Major Lottery Grant Secured for
Dementia Services at Parson Cross Forum
Parson Cross Forum is celebrating after securing continuation funding from the Big Lottery Reaching Communities Fund, allowing us to continue and further develop our innovative dementia services. We are excited to announce that we have been awarded £297,142 to continue to deliver our Unforgettable Me project over the next three years.
The funding will allow the Forum to increase the range of services it offers, including our extremely popular dementia cafés, which will continue to run three days a week, and continuation funding for our late-stage dementia project JABADAO.
Celebrating the success, Louise Ashmore said: “I’d say it feels like we have just won the lottery – but we actually have!!! Just to have some security to grow and deliver our services without worrying about our vulnerable users and what happens to them if we aren’t here next month, as well as our own personal future, is an enormous relief. “This feels like a huge vindication of everything we have been trying to do over recent years.
Another 5 Star Success for the
“Score on the Door”
for Parson Cross Forum
Parson Cross Forum is proud to announce that yet again in March 2024 we were awarded the top rating following an inspection by Sheffield City Council Environmental Health.
Officials from Sheffield City Council Environmental Health have given Parson Cross Forums Lunch Club a five-star rating under the ‘Scores on the Doors’ scheme.
The score will prove to service users that every effort is being made to provide them with the best quality food experience and we would like to say a huge thank you for the commitment of our volunteers who give up their time for their community and our organisation to ensure excellent food is prepared and served in a safe environment and show service users that food hygiene is taken very seriously.
A Big Thank You
Staff and management here at the Forum would like to say a big thank you to all of our supporters who fund our projects, who without their support our work would not be possible.
Including : National Lottery Community Fund, NHS Clinical Commissioning Group – People Keeping Well in their Community, SOAR, Veolia, Sheffield City Council, Sports England, Sheffield Towns Trust, Local Area Committee, Sheffield City Council Ward Pot.